Here is my collage for the LS2 2016 Reflection. These pictures show what LS2 have done in the year, for example the rhythm interactive,Kiwi Sport,Tech and School trips. It was really good doing this because it reminded me the good times I had with my friends and classmates.
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
The Labyrinth
This is my DLO for The Labyrinth. We did this because David Bowie passed away earlier this year. LS2 watched the Labyrinth movie and we also paused the movie at certain times to take note of different type of movie shots. I worked with Sylis, Paige and Oh Hsen
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Rocket Collage
Here is my collage. It is about the Rockets we did at Tamaki College. The top and bottom right photo shows Gozan and Mr Dun setting up the rocket so it can blast off! and the other photos are just one of the rockets, me building my straw rocket and people testing their straw rockets. We will be going back to Tamaki College to continue with the rockets
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
On Friday LS2 went down to Tamaki College to build our Rockets. We started by making our straw rockets, then after we had done that we added fins and tested how far the straw rocket went if you added more fins. We will be going back to Tamaki College to finish our rockets.
Tahuna Torea
Yesterday LS1 and LS2 went to Tahuna Torea. The purpose of us going there was to find out were the Godwits come to find food and also seeing were the Godwits breed at Tahuna Torea. We all had a great time and lots of fun.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Kuaka Reading
Today for reading we were working on our Kuaka follow up, My Group (Group D) were using the multi modal on the reading site to help us with the reading. Our group also took turns being leaders! to read the text on the migrtion of the Kuaka bird. All of us were not allowed to use the internet and books to search for things!
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
This is my Art DLO I did on Friedensreich Hundertwasser. LS2 were working on Hundertwasser's art. I really enjoyed doing this and Im happy the way my artwork turned out. r.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Godwit Facts
Here is my popplet about the Bar tailed Godwit bird. Thomas,Latham and I made a popplet on the Godwits Diet,Appearance,Predators and Habitat. This part is our second activity for our Flight topic and we are learning about the Godwit because it is a native bird to New Zealand and it is also one of the group of birds who fly long distances to migrate.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Plane Throwing
Today for maths we finished making our paper planes. My group spent some time making and decideing what plane we should use for the test flight. We finally decided and we went with Shannon's paper plane. The test was about too begin. Tai was the first person too throw his plane, it went pretty far, then Manu, Aj, Gozan, Zhan and Thomas threw there planes. Thomas did a good job of throwing his plane, it went halfway down the classroom! people then began measuring how far their planes went. The people in my group were Daniel,Shannon,Juanita,Javeylor and myself,
Friday, 4 November 2016
Paper Planes
Here is my paper plane collage that I made. Yesterday LS2 had some fun and worked together in groups to make some paper planes. We tested and trailed different planes that we made.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Jean Batten Timeline
We have been learning about Jean Batten for Flight. Jean Batten is a famous New Zealand avitator.
I have included some stuff that happend in her life such as the medals she has been awarded, The day she got her pilot license and her solo flight from England to Australia. Jean Batten is Iconic to New Zealand
Congratulations Latham 189095082 Here Is Lathams movie, It was the made and entered for the Outlook for Somebody challenge. This movie has also been short listed
Friday, 21 October 2016
Hydration and Dehydration
Here is my Water DLO. It is about Hydration and Dehydration. We looked at two images that showed a farm the was Hydrated and another farm that was Dehydrated. The hydrated farm was much greener than he dehydrated one. Water is very healthy for you because it contains no sugar and it keeps you cooled down, Water is better than Fizzy drinks. Harry decided to work on the 25 word challenge, it was hard because we kept going over 25 words and it was hard deleting words to, But in the end we got there. From now on Im going to drink water , what about you?
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Today the most of year 8's in LS2 were lucky enough to the library to learn about researching with Ms Ogilvie. Ms Ogilvie is from the national library and she told us about this website that helps you research stuff and it is very easy because you can search by using keywords, much faster than on the net. You go onto the epic site and click on Britannica school. The year 8's had a good time learning with Ms Ogilvie.
Reading Challenge
For the past week Mrs Anderson's reading group have been doing a reading challenge.
Mrs Anderson pulled up a Slideshow and she didn't say anything! we had to read the instructions carefully. On the table were big sheets of paper with missing words,It was a fill in the blanks activity, we worked In a group and the people were Mia,AJ,Charlize,Jasmine and Me. The learning intention was to Understand the text and follow Instructions carefully.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Forces of Flight
Yesterday we were Learning about flight. First we did a brainstorm about the things we already knew about flight. We included some words such as Thrust , Velocity , Drag , Lift and Weight. these words are connected to Flight. Then we watched some videos about Gravity, I also learnt that without Gravity there will be no life on Earth because everything will float away Animals, Water etc...
Monday, 10 October 2016
Year 8 Dance
Today we had Dance. We are practising dance for graduation. Our dance instructor is Sonja , Sonja was teaching us different moves such as the Rock n Roll and the Cha Cha. The boy's started of by doing a simple move with the feet, It was pretty hard but we go used to it. We will do Dance every Monday after lunch.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Quick Write
Here is my Quick Write. We had to do 3 6 sentences quick writes wich includes the first sentence to start with Once Upon a Time, where the character lived , characters talent , the problem , the feelings of the character and how the character solved the problem. My story was about a boy named Sam and he is home alone and also hearing noises. I worked with Sylis
Today for maths the whole class had a game of Quizizz. We had to team up in buddy's, I decided to buddy up with Latham. The quiz included mixed times tables and basic facts questions. We were doing this to challenge ourselfs and classmates.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Panmure Library with Stig
On Friday LS2 and LS1 caught a Bus to the Panmure Libary. We were here to see voice artist Stig Wemyss. Stig is a voice artist for the Andy Griffiths books , Stig was very funny, He started acting like the famous rock star ACDC , Also he picked Fraidoon to act with him, Fraidoon had to fake push Sting onto the floor , Stig then squirted water on Fraidoon! but atleast he got a Andy Griffiths book for his prize , Stig also picked Zhan to do a challenge , no matter what stig asked Zhan he had to say Sausage without any laughing , Zhan struggled to keep a straight face but he successfully won , Zhan also won a Andy Griffths book. I enjoyed my time at the Library with Stig.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Maths Thinkboard
Here is my Maths Thinkboard. We had to work out this decimal problem
whilst including a Strategy , Diagram , Word Story and 5 similar questions.
I worked with Latham
Reading Can do's
Here are my 2 reading can do's , I did the Fantastic Facts Challenge and a Word study.
For the Fantasitc Facts can do , I had to read a article and record it in my own information , I
did a article on a Astronaut breaking a record. Also for my second can do , I did a word study my
word was "Pique" it means to Provoke someone to make them angry.
Duffy Assembly
Today we had a Duffy Assembly. We had 2 visitors come in , Henry Tuipe'a and
a Lady from Main freight, Henry talked about how books can change your life, He said
William Shakespeare was his favourite because he acted in plays. Henry has been on tv
and tv programmes such as Moari Television and Tv3, he has also hosted a show.
William Shakespeare was his favourite because he acted in plays. Henry has been on tv
and tv programmes such as Moari Television and Tv3, he has also hosted a show.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Read Theory
Today LS2 did Read Theory, We do this for 20 minutes. It helps me
understand the text , Looking back at the text to find information and thinking about
what the question is asking you to do. I like to challenge myself to get lots of points.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Yesterday we did Sketch noting,we started with the Rio Olympics
because we knew that topic.Also we talked about ways we could
record our thinking such as the Rio Olympics.Then we started doing a sketch note
on Rio.I used my smart searching skills to find out about Rio ,I learned that Rio is
in South America, has 3 time zones! and even a Big Statue of Jesus (Christ the Redeemer).I included Pictures,Numbers and various symbols. Sketch noting helps you understand your learning ,make
connections,helps tell a learning story and makes you focused.
Cross Country
On Tuesday LS1 and LS2 did Cross Country practise. We started
by warming up before our run doing High knees,star jumps and running on the spot , we
had to do 6 laps. We are practising for the Adidas fun run.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Ancient & Modern Olympics
For Inquiry we have been learning about the Ancient and Modern Olympics. I have learnt
that the games from the Ancient Olympics were much different to the ones today. Also in
my presentation are some facts about the ancient Olympics such as the Colosseum can hold
over 45,000 people. I worked with Alex and we also made a Venn Diagram about the
Ancient and modern Olympics.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Athlete Comparison
Here is a comparison with me and a athlete. As you can see
my legs/knees and elbows are bent just like the athlete. These things
will help you in a running race.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Long Jump
On Thursday LS2 did long jump at Run,Jump,Throw. We sprinted
and then jumped. The people who could jump the longest could have
a challenge. Zhan won the competition
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Run Jump Throw
Today we had Run,Jump,Throw. We were
practising running/sprinting. We also had the year 7's join
in with us. To be able to get faster at running , You have to have your elbows bent,
High knees , Looking straight , Cheek to cheek (arms to butt cheeks) Light feet, Standing up tall and running on the balls of your feet. Doing this will help improve your running skills.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Language Features
Here is my Language features DLO. In this DLO I have included
what the meanings of Nouns , Adverbs , Adjectives and Metaphors . For example , a Noun are
the names of places and people , Metaphors are a figure of speech
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Hoverbike Advertisement
Here Is my Hoverbike Advertisement, In my
Poster I have included the picture of the Hoverbike,slogans and some
interesting words.
NZ Olympic Logo
Here is my NZ Olympic Logo. What if the Olympics were held in New Zealand? well I
have created a Logo for New Zealand! , In my logo I have included a Kiwi , Olympic Torch ,
Map of New Zealand and a Rugby Player. My Olympics are set in 2025.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Times Tables Quizizz
Here are my Quizizz results, we were
practising our times tables at speed , We had 10 seconds to answer each
question and It was a race against everyone. You were ranked in order, I came 12 place and got
100% accuracy because I got the questions correct.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Buddy Reading
Today in LS2 we did Buddy Reading with Room 4 and Room 3 . I Picked a
boy to read with, His name Acsaviour. I said to him what kind of books do you
like , He replied with Superheros. I picked up a Avengers book
because it had loads of superheros in it. His favourite character was The Hulk.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Book week parade
Today we had the book parade for Panmure Bridge School. Book week was about
dressing up in costumes as a book character. Most of the students in my
class dressed up as their favourite book characters in some of their favourite people in the books they have read, even Superheros. My classmate Lyndon
even made his own batman costume. We made the magic of
reading come alive for the juniors.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Advertiesing DLO
Thi is the work my group and I did on advertising. I worked with Sylis and Shannon.
We had to describe advertising in 25 words
Monday, 25 July 2016
Atributing Images
Today our class was learning how to Attributing Images. Attributing images is
like saying thank you to the person who took or made them, It also helps you stay out
of trouble from copyright. Because what if someone took your'e work and used it without your'e permission, that wouldn't be very fair at all. So next time make sure your'e images are labelled for reuse.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Life Education
Today year 8 had Life Education, We learnt about making decisions and how decisions can peer pressure you. We also learnt how emotions can effect us in positive and negative ways. I also did a activity in my Life Education book. It was a crossword about the cigarette and I had to find the nasty chemicals in the cigarette. Did you know that a cigarette contains 11 toxins and some of those are Arsenic (Ant poison), Methanol (rocket fuel) and Carbon monoxide witch is car fumes. Imagine all those chemicals going into your body if you smoke I know im not smoking
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Today we had another session of Orienteering. I worked by myself. The first post I went to was
Letter K. I came 2nd to last.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Today our class were put into groups to say our speeches. there were 4 people
in my group and they were Mere, Ma'am and Afu. My speech was about Pollution, and it was 2 minutes and 15 seconds long. I have also been picked to present my speech to the class. Here is my speech...
My name is Reon and I am going to be talking about pollution. How much longer can we go before our Streams,rivers and oceans become so polluted, that all sea life ceases to exist?, why is it so hard to put rubbish into the trash can? Why do we show such little respect to our planet earth.
Pollution is caused by us humans, and if we dont act quickly to reduceing pollution,things will get even worse. Did you know that we are dumping 14 billion pounds of plastic into the ocean and it gets eaten by sealife. Sealife think plastic bags are jellyfish or food so they swallow it and it ends up blocking their digestive system. Sadly the die, this trait also effects turtles,seabirds and other sea creatures
The toxics and chemicals of pollution effect 200 million people worldwide according to scientists. In some of the worst polluted places on earth, there have been cases of of birth deffects in babies, children who have lost IQ points and a life expantency to be as low as 32 years! due to the cancers and types of pollution. Pollution is a major threat to our lungs because the gasses and Co2 released into the air are inhaled by us.
You can prevent pollution by using your bike to go someplaces its way healthyer than those nasty car fumes, also try going to your local park or playground to plant a few trees. These things may seem small but they can make a big diffrence to the enviroment.
So, are you going to try to stop this worldwide crisis? or let pollution take over our planet home, you decide.
Thailand DLO
Here is my Thailand inquiry DLO. I worked with Alex. We have included greetings of Thailand, the
flag of Thailand and also the emblem of Thailand. We have also done a slide with a famous person from Thailand and hes is Tony Jaa.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Here I am at Orienteering. The first course I did was Course 4. It was
hard navigating to different letters because some of them were very far
away. I had a little bit of help from harry because he was on the same course as me. Sadly I didn't get to finish because it started pouring down with rain. I enjoyed Orienteering.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Finding Dory
Here is my current events DLO. It is about the movie Finding Dory and
it was the animated film that broke the box office record. the movie made 136.2 million dollars.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Super Smog
Sourced from link
Super Smog in China
Officials close schools and ground flights as dense smog shrinks visibility in Harbin, a city in China
OCT 21, 2013 | By Kelli Plasket with TIME and AP reporting
`AFP/GETTY IMAGES A woman wearing a face mask to block out the smog uses her mobile phone in Harbin, a city in northern China.
Winter is coming to northern China—and with it, another season of heavy smog. Smog is a hazy blend of smoke and fog caused by pollution in industrial areas. On Monday, in the large city of Harbin, small-particle pollution rose to a record 40 times higher than what is considered to be safe by the World Health Organization (WHO). The thick haze caused visibility to fall to less than half a football field, grinding the city to a halt.
A police officer works on a street blanketed in heavy smog in Harbin on October 21, 2013.
When Wu Kai, a 33-year-old Harbin resident, looked out her apartment window on Monday, she couldn’t see anything. At first, she thought it was snowing. Then she realized it was smog. Her husband left for work wearing a mask to cover his mouth and nose and stop him from breathing in the pollution. His regular bus wasn’t running because of the low visibility. “It’s scary, too dangerous,” Kai told the Associated Press. “How could people drive or walk on such a day?”
Many people can’t get around. Authorities in the city closed primary and middle schools and some highways on Monday. Harbin’s Taiping International Airport canceled or delayed at least 40 flights.
Smog Season
Northern China experiences year-round air pollution from factory emissions and the huge number of vehicles on the road. Typically, the air pollution is at its worst in the winter, when more coal is burned to heat homes and buildings. Harbin’s municipal heating systems kicked in on Sunday. On Monday, visibility was down to less than 55 yards, according to state media.
China’s environmental protection agency monitors the level of harmful particles in the air. The agency saw readings as high as 1,000 micrograms per cubic meter at several monitoring stations in Harbin on Monday. WHO says a safe level is 25 micrograms per cubic meter.
Pollution Problems
China’s major cities have some of the world’s worst smog. Record levels of air pollution crippled Beijing, the capital, for weeks last winter. The Chinese government, which had long ignored the problem, is finally taking notice. In September, China’s Cabinet announced a plan that aims to reduce the country’s heavy reliance on coal to below 65 percent of total energy usage by 2017. Last week, Beijing also announced a set of color-coded emergency measures for bad pollution days.
Fixing the pollution program will be costly for the Chinese government. Officials say the country will need to spend nearly $817 billion to fight pollution. But the cost of ignoring it could be much worse.
Blog Comments
Here are my 3 blog comments I posted on Tamaki Primary's blog. All the classrooms have done really
well with there learning and I look forward to seeing some more work posted. Keep it up Tamaki Primary!
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Here is my inquiry for Japan. I did the flag challenge and included the official name and date for the flag and what the flag means. Also I included the basic greeting in Japan. I did 5 countries that surround Japan and 1 sea that is around Japan. I worked with Josh.
Here is my Inquiry for India. I have included some famous landmarks and traditional food.
Also put 5 countries that neighbour India and the seas that surround India.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Blog Post Analysis by Reon
This is a graph of my blog post analysis. It shows how much posts I did Each year.
Maybe I could of got higher blog posts if I didn't muck around,got distracted,playing games or just away at home. I am pretty proud of my Blog because I have worked so hard on it and I like the work I post.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Nz Schools and Korean Schools - Reon
Here is my Presentation on the Differences between New Zealand schools and Korean Schools. Schools in Korea are very different to ours, such as 16 hour school days and 4 storey high schools!
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Halving and Doubling
Here is a DLO I made if you are struggling with multiplication. It shows you how to answer harder multiplication problems using Halving and Doubling
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Giant Pandas
For reading this is my groups Synthesizing activity. It is about Giant Pandas and information about them
such as How there endangered. Synthesizing is gathering what you already know and making it into a opinion or understanding.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Kyle Mewburn
Here is my DLO on the Children's Author Kyle Mewburn. I included things about
his past life and two of his books. I mentioned a book I would recommend to someone, that book is The House on the Hill.
Synthesizing Activity
Here is my Synthesizing activity. For the prior knowledge I had to write down what I already knew about gorillas. I said that gorillas eat bananas,they live in the jungle and there aggressive. But then I learnt new things such as Gorillas have a leader called a silver back,There group is called a "Troop". I then synthesized and learnt we must prevent the Gorillas from extinction since they are and endangered species.
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